My Downloads

Single Page Profile

One Page Profile highlighting the vital professional information.

All Annexures

All annexures (7 documents) providing 360 degree view of my persona.

Project Use Cases

Providing the details of the vital projects out of my 300+ deliveries.

Special Papers

White Papers I wrote on special subjects to Project Management Champions.

Suswaram Sridhar

Following are my Profile & Annexure Documents. Click, View & Download. Still Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?

Single Prage Profile

Single-page profile encapsulates extensive expertise as a Global CIO, highlighting his transformative leadership in IT and his impactful contributions to various industries.

Annexure 1: CIO Profile

Outlines his role in driving technological innovation and operational excellence, supported by compelling metrics that underscore his achievements across global platforms. 

Annexure 2: PM, & PMO Profile

Details extensive expertise in project and program management, Deliver complex projects efficiently. It emphasizes his approach to driving successful outcomes.

Annexure 3: Key Deliveries

Illustrates his exceptional ability to lead high-impact projects, detailing the successful execution of major initiatives that have significantly enhanced business operations and client satisfaction.

Annexure 4: Accolades & Award

This profile showcases his recognized excellence in IT and leadership, highlighting prestigious awards and honors that affirm his impact and innovation in the industry. 

Annexure 5: MT Coach

Illuminates adeptness at inspiring change and fostering personal and professional growth, demonstrating profound influence on improving individual and organizational mindsets.

Annexure 6: Personality Traits

Captures leadership qualities, showcasing his visionary, empathetic, and resilient nature, which underpins success in navigating complex business challenges and inspiring teams.

Annexure 7: My Experience Data

Highlights IT leadership journey, detailing decades of managing high-value projects, strategic innovations, and team leadership, all backed by robust performance metrics and achievements.

“Suswaram” Personal Branding

Encapsulates unique identity as a visionary leader & transformational coach, showcasing his commitment to excellence, innovation, and impactful community engagement across the global IT landscape.

Let’s Talk

Engage with Suswaram Sridhar, a thought leader eager to share insights and foster collaborations that drive transformative results. Reach out to explore potential synergies and contribute to mutual growth and success.